Transfer of language education, reading and writing promotion (BiSS-Transfer)

BiSS-Transfer is a joint initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) for the transfer of language education, reading and writing support in schools and daycare centers(

The aim in Baden-Württemberg is to strengthen pupils’ basic reading skills:

Promotion of reading skills

Reading technique, reading fluency

Reading skills

Reading comprehension, reading strategies

Based on a standardized and systematic reading curriculum, BiSS elementary school are gradually implementing elements in reading lessons that have been proven to promote learning, such as training reading fluency with the help of sound reading tandems and the use of selected reading strategies. To ensure that implementation works well in all grades, each BiSS elementary school has set up its own project group that meets regularly to discuss the next steps in implementation.

Each school also has a BiSS contact person who, together with the school management, supports the staff at the school in implementing the BiSS reading promotion concept.

Our BiSS contact person at the school is Sabine Keller.

In Baden-Württemberg, a total of 2030 elementary school will be participating from the start of the 2023/2024 school year, organized in 21 BiSS networks. The networks serve the purpose of networking and exchange. The networks can be viewed here: