Sick note / leave of absence
Notification of illness
- Please report your child’s absence immediately, before the start of lessons, via the secretary’s office or tell a classmate.
- Every day of absence must be excused in writing!
- The excuse must be received by the school by the third day at the latest (even if an excuse was given by telephone or email beforehand).
- In the case of sick notes directly before and after holiday periods, the written sick note must be handed in personally to the secretary’s office by 12 noon on the same day at the latest.
- If there is no sick note on the same day, this day will be recorded as unexcused. In justified individual cases, a sick note from the paediatrician can be requested by the school management.
Leave of absence:
- Leave of absence for religious holidays (Orthodox Easter, Eid) must be notified in writing 1 week in advance.
- Further leaves of absence are only possible in justified exceptional cases (family emergencies) and only upon timely written request (please note: this can only be granted once during the primary school period).
- Leave of absence before and after school holidays is generally not possible.